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Canada - Montreal - 26 August 1984
Women's Single sculls (W1x) Men's Single sculls (M1x) Women's Lightweight single sculls (LW1x) Men's Lightweight single sculls (LM1x) Women's Double sculls (W2x) Men's Double sculls (M2x) Women's Lightweight double sculls (LW2x) Men's Lightweight double sculls (LM2x) Women's Pair without coxswain (W2-) Men's Pair without coxswain (M2-) Women's Lightweight pair without coxswain (LW2-) Men's Lightweight pair without coxswain (LM2-) Men's Pair with coxswain (M2+) Women's Four without coxswain (W4-) Men's Four without coxswain (M4-) Women's Lightweight coxless four (LW4-) Men's Lightweight coxless four (LM4-) Women's Four with coxswain (W4+) Men's Four with coxswain (M4+) Women's Quadruple sculls without coxswain (W4x) Men's Quadruple sculls without coxswain (M4x) Women's Lightweight quadruple sculls (LW4x) Men's Lightweight quadruple sculls (LM4x) Women's Eight with coxswain (W8+) Men's Eight with coxswain (M8+) Men's Lightweight eight-oared shells (LM8+) Women's Adaptive single sculls arms and shoulders (PR1W1x) Men's Adaptive single sculls arms and shoulders (PR1M1x) Lightweight adaptive double sculls trunk and arms (PR3Mix2x) Four with coxswain Adaptive trunk and arms (PR3Mix4+) Adaptive double sculls trunk and arms (PR2Mix2x) Men's TAMix1x LTAID4+ IDMix4+ Women's PR3 W2- Men's PR3 M2- Women's PR2 W1x Men's PR2 M1x