Sondre Nordstad Moen (Athletics) : Prize list and results

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Athletics - Sondre Nordstad Moen

NorwayNorway - 12 January 1991

Sondre Nordstad Moen (born 12 January 1991 in Trondheim) is an athlete who competes internationally for Norway. His last victories are the men's cross team event - u-23 in the European Cross Country Championships 2011 and the men's 10000 m in the European U-23 Championships 2011. He competes in 10000 m, 3000 m, 5000 m, cross, cross junior, cross u-23, half marathon, marathon, cross team event, cross team event junior, cross team event u-23 and half marathon team event. He represents the club : SK Vidar.

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Sondre Nordstad Moen - Results

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