Men's World Junior Handball Championship Handball 2011 Classification Matches 17-24 - Detailed results

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Handball - Men's World Junior Handball Championship - Classification Matches 17-24 - 2011 - Detailed results

Choice of a season :

  • Argentina U-21
  • Benin U-21
  • Canada U-21
  • Chile U-21
  • Hungary U-21
  • Republic of Korea U-21
  • Serbia U-21
  • Venezuela U-21


Detailed results

Classification Matches 17-24

GreeceGreece - Thessaloniki - 24 July 2011 - 25 July 2011

Results - - Classification Matches 17-24 2011

Chile U-21Chile U-2128 - 24Venezuela U-21Venezuela U-21
24/07/2011Chile U-21Chile U-2128 - 24Venezuela U-21Venezuela U-21 

Canada U-21Canada U-2123 - 22Benin U-21Benin U-21
24/07/2011Canada U-21Canada U-2123 - 22Benin U-21Benin U-21 

Serbia U-21Serbia U-2132 - 27Argentina U-21Argentina U-21
24/07/2011Serbia U-21Serbia U-2132 - 27Argentina U-21Argentina U-21 

Hungary U-21Hungary U-2134 - 31Republic of Korea U-21Republic of Korea U-21
24/07/2011Hungary U-21Hungary U-2134 - 31Republic of Korea U-21Republic of Korea U-21 

Benin U-21Benin U-2128 - 18Venezuela U-21Venezuela U-21
25/07/2011Benin U-21Benin U-2128 - 18Venezuela U-21Venezuela U-21 

Chile U-21Chile U-2127 - 26Canada U-21Canada U-21
25/07/2011Chile U-21Chile U-2127 - 26Canada U-21Canada U-21 

Republic of Korea U-21Republic of Korea U-2141 - 31Argentina U-21Argentina U-21
25/07/2011Republic of Korea U-21Republic of Korea U-2141 - 31Argentina U-21Argentina U-21 

Hungary U-21Hungary U-2136 - 35Serbia U-21Serbia U-21
25/07/2011Hungary U-21Hungary U-2136 - 35Serbia U-21Serbia U-21 




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