Darts - European Tour - European Darts Grand Prix 2017 - Results

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Darts - European Darts Grand Prix - 2017 - Detailed results

Darts - European Darts Grand Prix - 2017 - Detailed results

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European Darts Grand Prix 2017

GermanyGermany - Sindelfingen - 5 May 2017 - 7 May 2017


7th May - 22h20Peter Wrightdef.Michael Van Gerwen6-0


7th May - 21h10Peter Wrightdef.Jelle Klaasen6-3
7th May - 21h35Michael Van Gerwendef.Dave Chisnall6-5


7th May - 19h05Jelle Klaasendef.Joe Cullen6-5
7th May - 19h35Peter Wrightdef.Jan Dekker6-2
7th May - 20h15Dave Chisnalldef.Rob Cross6-3
7th May - 20h45Michael Van Gerwendef.Benito Van De Pas6-1

Round of 16

7th May - 13h05Joe Cullendef.Mensur Suljovic6-5
7th May - 13h35Jelle Klaasendef.Mark Webster6-1
7th May - 13h55Jan Dekkerdef.Kim Huybrechts6-4
7th May - 14h35Peter Wrightdef.Daryl Gurney6-4
7th May - 15h05Rob Crossdef.Steve West6-1
7th May - 15h30Dave Chisnalldef.Adrian Lewis6-3
7th May - 16h00Benito Van De Pasdef.Gerwyn Price6-2
7th May - 16h30Michael Van Gerwendef.Ulf Ceder6-2

Round of 32

6th May - 13h00Jan Dekkerdef.Alan Norris6-5
6th May - 13h35Ulf Cederdef.Cristo Reyes6-3
6th May - 14h00Jelle Klaasendef.Dirk Van Duijvenbode6-2
6th May - 14h40Rob Crossdef.Simon Whitlock6-3
6th May - 15h10Dave Chisnalldef.Matt Clark6-3
6th May - 15h40Joe Cullendef.Jonny Clayton6-1
6th May - 16h00Benito Van De Pasdef.Joe Murnan6-5
6th May - 16h30Kim Huybrechtsdef.Max Hopp6-3
6th May - 19h00Mark Websterdef.James Wade6-5
6th May - 19h40Gerwyn Pricedef.Dimitri Van den Bergh6-3
6th May - 20h10Steve Westdef.Michael Smith6-5
6th May - 20h35Daryl Gurneydef.John Henderson6-4
6th May - 21h10Mensur Suljovicdef.Krzysztof Ratajski6-4
6th May - 21h40Peter Wrightdef.James Richardson6-2
6th May - 22h05Michael Van Gerwendef.Keegan Brown6-2
6th May - 22h25Adrian Lewisdef.Ian White6-4

Round of 64

Mensur Suljovic Bye
5th May - 13h30Krzysztof Ratajskidef.Steve Lennon6-4
Joe Cullen Bye
5th May - 16h00Jonny Claytondef.Christian Kist6-2
James Wade Bye
5th May - 20h30Mark Websterdef.Bernd Roith6-4
Jelle Klaasen Bye
5th May - 20h00Dirk Van Duijvenbodedef.Jermaine Wattimena6-5
Kim Huybrechts Bye
5th May - 22h45Max Hoppdef.Zoran Lerchbacher6-4
Alan Norris Bye
5th May - 19h00Jan Dekkerdef.James Wilson6-3
Peter Wright Bye
5th May - 14h05James Richardsondef.Paul Rowley6-2
Daryl Gurney Bye
5th May - 21h45John Hendersondef.Ron Meulenkamp6-5
Simon Whitlock Bye
5th May - 15h05Rob Crossdef.Luke Woodhouse6-3
Murray Smith Bye
5th May - 19h30Steve Westdef.Christopher Dobey6-2
Dave Chisnall Bye
5th May - 14h25Matt Clarkdef.Rene Berndt6-4
Ian White Bye
5th May - 22h25Adrian Lewisdef.Stephen Bunting6-2
Benito Van De Pas Bye
5th May - 16h25Joe Murnandef.Gabriel Clemens6-3
Gerwyn Price Bye
5th May - 21h00Dimitri Van den Berghdef.Mervyn King6-4
Michael Van Gerwen Bye
5th May - 15h30Keegan Browndef.Jeffrey De Graaf6-4
Cristo Reyes Bye
5th May - 13h05Ulf Cederdef.Steve Beaton6-2

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